

Sunday Worship- 9 a.m  Thanks be to God for the good news of Jesus and the grace of God that meets us where we are.  Wherever you are as you set aside time to worship God, may Christ’s peace be with you.

  • Livestream & Video. In addition to worship in the sanctuary, worship continues to be livestreamed to the Grace Lutheran Church YouTube Channel.  You can subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications; or go to the Grace YouTube channel before worship begins on Sundays at 9 a.m.  The worship service video will continue to be available online after Sunday morning as well.

Grace’s music worship life is enhanced by the vocal and instrumental gifts of many people through our adult and youth choirs, praise teams, children’s choirs, worship band and large-group ensembles, adding to the beauty and enjoyment of worship each week. Worship at Grace is enjoyed in many styles and formats, from traditional Lutheran liturgy and hymns through contemporary songs and even Bluegrass liturgy. We know that people respond in positive ways to many different styles of music, and we work to incorporate those styles in our worship!

Children are welcome!
Children are welcome in worship at Grace, where a children’s message is included on Sundays each week to share God’s good news with our youngest children.

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is offered at designated worship services throughout the year. We welcome all–adults, children, and infants–to become a member of the Body of Christ through baptism. For more information or to indicate a desire for baptism, please contact the church office.

We offer Holy Communion at every weekly service, and we welcome all who believe to receive communion. Those who have not yet received Communion instruction are invited to receive a blessing.

Volunteers for Worship. Thank you, Grace volunteers supporting weekly worship. There are several openings in the weeks ahead, please reach out if you would like to serve.

Greeter Sign Up

Usher Sign Up

Reader Sign Up

Communion Assistant Sign Up

  • If you are interested in volunteering as an Usher, Greeter, Reader, or Communion Assistant – please contact Fay Wilson.
  • If you want to learn to be a camera operator, sound or livestream technician, please contact Bill Nattress.


Questions? Please contact  the church office for more information.


Fill out the form below and one of our staff will answer your question as soon as we can.