Terry Aavang
Revelation Ringers Director
(contact through the church office at 815-338-0554)
Jon Bergstrom
Interim Contemporary Band Director
(contact through the church office at 815-338-0554)
Janice Burns
Organist & Interim Coordinator of Worship & Music
(contact through the church office at 815-338-0554)
Chris Ethridge
(contact through the church office at 815-338-0554)
Kim Ethridge
(contact through the church office at 815-338-0554)
Carrie Filetti
Laudate & Chancel Choir Director
(contact through the church office at 815-338-0554)
Carrie Fiorina
Financial Secretary & Asst. Administrative Secretary
Denise Klabunde
Administrative Secretary
Email Denise
Cindy Meyer
Cherubs & Joyful Messengers Choir Director
(contact through the church office at 815-338-0554)
Ken Zank
Building Supervisor
(contact through the church office at 815-338-0554)