Time & Talent
“For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.” –Romans 12:4-5
In thanksgiving to God, we rejoice in the many and varied gifts and talents given and shared with one another.
Where is God calling you to participate? Which ministries are exciting to you?
The following are Grace’s priority ministries, summarized from these purposes and further description in the constitution, our past committee structure, and looking ahead. Which of these is an area where you would like to get involved, to lead or to assist, so that this will be a vital ministry of Grace into the future?
- Adult Education – includes a book club
- Christian Education– includes Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, confirmation, high school youth, college age/young adults.
- Communication – includes printed materials and electronic (email, web, social media), and also technology support, including for worship services.
- Congregation Care– care for the congregation including home communions, ministry to seniors, gift baskets, phone calls, grief care, and fellowship events.
- Evangelism– announcements and invitations to nonmembers, welcome and hospitality, welcoming new members, encouraging those who aren’t attending.
- Outreach– serving human needs, locally and globally, advocating for the poor and powerless, seeking dignity, justice, and peace; food pantry; WACM/DAP; Christmas family sharing; mobile food pantry
- Property– maintenance and cleaning of Grace’s facilities and grounds
- Stewardship – motivating financial support so that Grace’s ministries are possible.
- Worship and Music – planning and implementing weekly and special services; supportive aspects of worship such as choirs, readers, and altar guild.
Please complete this Time and Talent survey as we connect and support meaningful ministry opportunities through Grace Lutheran Church.
Electronic Giving
What is Electronic Giving?
The Electronic Giving Program is a modern-day stewardship program. It’s a convenient, safe and simple way for individuals to make automatic payments to non-profit organizations through electronic funds transfer (EFT) directly from checking or savings accounts.
The Electronic Giving Program is operated by Vanco Services, LLC, an industry leader in electronic payment solutions.
The Electronic Giving Program is designed to help you conveniently make payments to a non-profit organization. Through the Electronic Giving Program, your payments are made through a pre-authorized withdrawal from your bank account. You determine the frequency of your automatic payment—weekly, semi-monthly or monthly. Your payment is deposited into the organization’s bank account on the same day it is withdrawn from your account.
Why sign up?
- Convenience – Payment will still be made if you are out of town or on vacation.
- Security – No checks are needed which means no lost or stolen checks.
- Environmentally friendly – Save on checks, envelopes and postage.
How to Sign Up
To participate print and complete the pdf enrollment form and return it to the Grace Lutheran Church office. For additional information contact the church office. (815)338-0554